
Monday, April 22, 2019

The weekend Struggle

Seems Social Media is full of I love the weekend snuggles and time with my little ones it is so precious... Yes time with our little ones is precious and I enjoy spending time with mine, but lets be real here weekends aren't all snuggles and all sweet. Weekends are a struggle for us. when there isn't a plan and when we don't take a little time to spend together outside the tension rises. My kids would be completely content to spend all weekend sitting in front of the tv or a kindle but too much electronic time turns them into little demons! I will admit too it seems to have the same affect on me! Anyone else notice this? The struggle is finding something to do everyone can agree on,something everyone can agree on that is free and not too far of a drive makes that even more of a struggle. Usually what one kiddo wants to do the other doesn't.

Well this weekend we went to a place we have gone to many times this usually doesn't go over well as I hear "We have seen that it's boring." We went to a nature preserve that has trails to walk on, this time though we took along a little scavenger hunt. That helped to get them to be a bit more agreeable to go. While I wouldn't say it was a complete success and it ended up being a pretty quick little outing. It was cold and windy and the boys forgot their coats. It was enough fresh air to lighten everyone's' mood and get us to interact with each other instead of stare at screens and snap at each other.

My husband found and printed this nature scavenger hunt from

I couldn't find a clipboard but found this clear cover folder I cut a piece of cardborad the size of the paper and double stick taped onto the paper this helped so we had a somewhat hard writing surface and works well to erase so we can use the scavenger hunt again!

Good thing there was blanket in the car for the kiddo in short sleeves that forgot his coat

We even managed even to get a cute selfie with everyone looking at the camera.

Oh and since the next day was earth day or rather that everyday is earth day we took along a bag to pick up trash luckily though there wasn't much to pick up!

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