
Monday, July 10, 2017

Desk Makeover

I am finally able to post photos to my blog again sorry for the delay in this post. This desk was a $10 Facebook find in need of a makeover. I painted it using Vaseline, yeah the Vaseline keeps the paint from sticking to the desk so minimal sanding is needed. So, first the prep stuff removing the drawers and nobs, then I randomly lightly smeared Vaseline over the desk a little heavier on the edges and corners. I then used a small foam roller brush to paint let dry and re-coat let dry use very fine sand paper and lightly sand to get the paint off the places the Vaseline was applied. I then lightly went over with a thin layer paint to de-shine the the wood that was showing. I love how this turned out the only down side is because of the Vaseline the final coat takes a long time to completely dry. Sorry I forgot to take in the process pictures.

Before Picture